We can all feel it in our bones - our country is off track.

I created a plan to be our GPS.


The economy has gone haywire the past few years as costs have skyrocketed, wages have stagnated, and everyday life has become unaffordable. West Michigan families are paying more and getting less—at the grocery store, at the gas pump, and everywhere in-between. Many are wondering if the American Dream is out of reach. My commonsense plan is aimed entirely at making that dream possible once again. We will unlock economic growth through free markets, lower taxes, less regulation, and reduced government spending.

  • Tackle Inflation

    Runaway inflation has made life unaffordable—over $10,000 per year more expensive than just a few years ago, and wages haven’t kept up. West Michigan families are feeling the struggle of putting food on their tables and fuel in their cars. This was a direct result of bad policy in Washington, with trillions of dollars of irresponsible government spending turbocharging inflation. Joe Biden and Hillary Scholten’s so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” tried to spend even more money to solve inflation, only making things worse. We need commonsense and responsible legislation that lowers spending and brings down inflation.

  • Lower Taxes

    Did you know your taxes are set to automatically go up next year? Not just for the wealthy or for corporations—for nearly everybody, across the board. As your representative in Congress, I won’t let that happen. I believe that West Michiganders should get to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks, not less. On day one in Congress, I’ll work to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to let you keep more of your own money.

  • Rein in Government Spending

    Our country is in a mess of debt—and both parties are to blame for their addiction to spending. The national debt has ballooned to $34 trillion—over a hundred grand for every man, woman, and child in America. This isn’t Monopoly money. We’re now spending more just on interest on our debt than on our entire national defense budget. This is unsustainable. Step one in righting the ship is reining in Washington’s wasteful spending spree.


There’s an old saying that I live by: Let’s leave this place a little better than we found it. As a parent, I’m worried that we’re not living up to that promise, and I worry about the world we’re leaving our children. To ensure the long-term prosperity of our country, we need to get back to the basics of promoting high-quality education, jobs, and quality healthcare.

  • Education

    Every child deserves access to a quality education, no matter where they live. Education is the foundation of equality of opportunity in this country. We need to do more to raise standards, support students, provide better and more individualized educational opportunities, and make our public schools accountable to parents. With reading and math scores sliding in recent years, let’s get back to the basics to ensure our children are equipped with the tools they need to prosper in the future.

  • Jobs

    As your next Congressman, I will be a strong voice for West Michigan. Our state is continuing to see a decline in population, while newly graduating college students are leaving to find jobs elsewhere. But West Michigan is home to local companies that are innovating and producing world-class products. By supporting small businesses, we are helping to provide genuine job growth and ensuring that our next generation can thrive right here at home.

  • Healthcare

    Families have continued to struggle with out-of-control healthcare costs. Free markets and greater competition among insurers will help drive costs down for everyone, lowering medical expenses across the board. By protecting pre-existing conditions and lowering costs, we can help millions get access to the quality, affordable healthcare they need.


Our American way of life is not possible without a commitment to security, both at home and abroad. We need to secure our borders, enforce the rule of law in our cities and communities, and recommit to steely-eyed American leadership on the world stage.

  • Secure the Border

    While Washington politicians sit on their hands, we have a national crisis at our southern border. A record 9 million illegal immigrants have entered our country in just the past three years due to the irresponsible and inexcusable open-border policy of the Biden administration and Hillary Scholten. We are seeing the impact of open borders right here in our community as fentanyl overdoses continue to devastate families, overwhelm our services to the point that the Governor's administration has asked Michiganders to house migrants. As your Congressman, I’ll make sure this ends. This is basic common sense: we have immigration laws for a reason, and we need to enforce them.

  • Safer Communities

    We need to recommit to enforcing the rule of law in our cities to keep them a safe and welcoming place for people to live and work. I will support the law enforcement community 100 percent, support Second Amendment rights, and ensure that our law enforcement agencies are provided the support and tools that allow them to serve and protect.

  • National Security

    America is the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, and we should act like it. Weakness on the world stage only invites aggression from bad actors, so the way to maintain peace is to show strength. In Congress, I will always support our military and make sure they have the tools they need to be the greatest fighting force in the world. I will always stand up for American values and American interests against threats from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and others.

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